“This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.” – 1 John 1:5
God is Good… All the time!
A. W. Tozer rightly believed that we tend “by a secret law of the soul” to gravitate toward and grow to resemble our mental image of God. Thus, Tozer was convinced that what comes to your mind when you think about God is the most important thing about you. High thoughts of God bring us into pure worship and a sanctified walk, while low thoughts of God defile our hearts and corrupt our walk. The bottom line is that you become what you believe about God.

In fact, God has already disarmed and disallowed every form of evil. Why evil still occurs is due to man’s individual and corporate neglect of Jesus’ so great a salvation. Jesus Christ is God’s perfect cure for evil, a cure which overcomes evil one way and one way only – – with good. Jesus, as God in the flesh, came to reveal the true nature of God as being good, love, light, truth and Spirit. No Old Testament saint saw the perfect goodness of God. Only Jesus accurately reflected, and still reflects, the true nature of God.
“No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.” John 1:18

Goodness of God Audio Teaching
Over 20 hours of insightful, powerful teaching – The toughest questions answered
The Goodness of God audio teachings are all dedicated to enhancing, empowering and enriching our relationship with the Godhead — Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is our hope that every time you visit this site, you will leave strengthened, challenged and stimulated. May God’s goodness become the “big idea” which purifies our hearts to embrace the love of God without any doubt or reservation. Amen!
- What is the Isaiah 5:20 infection?
- What is the true nature of God?
- How do we read God’s goodness into all Scriptures?
- Where is Satan’s kingdom in the Old Testament?
- Did Moses partially misrepresent the character of God?
- Does God allow evil?
- What is the difference in God’s Omni-Presence and God’s Manifest Presence?
- What is evil?
- Did God really sanction the violence in the Old Testament?
Tough Questions Answered
1. The serpents in the wilderness?
2. Sodom & Gomorrah?
3. The flood?
4. David numbering Israel?
5. Pharaoh & the plaques?
6. Saul & the evil spirit?
7. Job?
And Many MORE…
The majority of the early Church believed that Hell was a place where God would rescue, reform and reconcile all lost sinners back unto Himself. The process of Hell was intense, thorough, critical, painful, agonizing and anguishing. But, it was ultimately restorative as each and every sinner was led through and past their own Hellish valley of sin and death, and into a deep and heartfelt place of Godly repentance.
When it comes to selecting an Atonement Theory, I have always gravitated toward the Christus Victor Theory. This theory tells a thrilling multi-dimensional story rather than presenting Christ’s atonement as just some sort of forensic transaction. I would like to propose a practical amendment to Christus Victor which will allow us to use more practical and graspable imagery about the importance and relevance of Christ’s atonement for all of us.
The Jesus Hermeneutic: The Glory of Allegory
So many people today resent the Old Testament as a dark and wrathful document of hate which paints God as a bipolar monster. And it’s understandable when we consider it only on it’s literal terms. I agree that a literal reading of the Old Testament is often dangerous and can be counterproductive to understanding the love of Jesus Christ. So, I totally sympathize with the concerns about where literal Bible reading takes us.
I think there IS a way to read the Old Testament which avoids “the killing letter” by embracing “the life-giving Spirit” which underflows the subtext of all Scripture.
Being a Christian is more than just an instantaneous conversion – it is a daily process whereby you grow to be more and more like Christ.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.
Wrath of God, Wrath of Man, or Wrath of Satan?
After reading several recent articles about “the wrath of God,” it has suddenly hit me why there is so much confusion about this controversial topic. We need a PLAYBILL, a theater program, listing all the players which operate in any given event which is perceived as the wrath of God.