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Who is Richard Murray?

About Richard Murray

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Richard has a B.B.A. and J.D. from the University of Georgia and a M.A. from Regent University School of Divinity. He has written several books, including:

  • THE POWER: Discovering the Real "Secret" of Life
  • LIFT UP YOUR JAWBONE: Developing Samson-like Strength by Daily Confession
  • THE JESUS MOOD: Discovering the Treasure of Imperative Faith
  • GOD VERSUS EVIL: Sculpting an Epic Theology of God's Heroic Goodness

Richard's passion is delving into all practical issues regarding the nature of God's goodness. Through the recapturing of the early church fathers' Christological hermeneutic, Richard believes that all apparent "literal" difficulties from the Old Testament Scriptures can be readily and coherently explained without ever attributing wrath, darkness, or violence to the divine nature.

"This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all." 1 John 1:5

A. W. Tozer rightly believed that we tend "by a secret law of the soul" to gravitate toward and grow to resemble our mental image of God. Thus, Tozer was convinced that what comes to our mind when we think about God is the most important thing about us. High thoughts of God bring us into pure worship and a sanctified walk, while low thoughts of God defile our hearts and corrupt our walk. Richard's focus is dedicated to honing this great truth: Jesus is the revealed goodness and revealed greatness of God.

From His matchless life and limitless love, we learn this cosmic truth. God didn’t create evil, God doesn’t use evil, and God won’t allow evil. God is good. Only Good. Always Good. His only connection with evil is to disallow it through the Power of the Cross. In fact, God has already disarmed and disallowed every form of evil. Why evil still occurs is due to man’s individual and corporate "neglect of our so great a salvation."

Jesus Christ is God’s perfect cure for evil, a cure which overcomes evil one way and one way only - - with good. Jesus, as God in the flesh, came to reveal the true nature of God as being good, love, light, truth and Spirit. No Old Testament saint saw the perfect goodness of God. Only Jesus accurately reflected, and still reflects, the true nature of God. “No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.” John 1:18